Thinking about entering the world of commercial truck driving as a career? Great choice! It can be a great way to earn an income, have a flexible schedule, and work with some of the biggest companies in the world. It is also a challenging career path with a lot of risks. But, it can also make good financial sense, depending on your driving history, plan to drive a particular type of truck, and other unique factors. Here are the top 10 tips for finding your next truck driving position: Prospect General Job Opening Sites There are many job sites, but most will allow you to search only by city or zip code. Some offer more flexibility, such as choosing from company types (Trucking, Warehousing & Distribution, Transportation) or even just general positions such as Dispatch, Maintenance, etc. Use Trucking-Only Job Sites Irrespective of how good general job search websites are, do not pass up the opportunity to find truck driver jobs by going straight to a site that caters specifically to drivers. These days, online platforms have dedicated trucking pages where you can post your ad quickly. If you prefer to apply through one of the major staffing agencies, they may also have trucker-specific applications and more traditional full-time employment ads. Also, consider using referral sources to find truck driving opportunities because the drivers who know the industry and where to look often know what's available. Work Your Connections If you already have connections within this field, ask them what they hear about current openings and which ones don't last long. If they tell you something isn't working, it could be for you. Additionally, friends and family members employed in this field can also create a network of people to help spread the word about openings when they become available. Search For Entry-Level Positions At Your Dream Company Often, we all dream of having our own business someday. And that day may come sooner than you believe. So start thinking now about where you would like to go and what kind of truck you might like to drive. This makes everything easier down the line because now, if ever you end up getting hired at another company, you will already know exactly what you want in a truck and a company, making it much easier to transition into a new situation. You never know the next company you land a position with, maybe your future employer, so it pays to take the time up front to figure out what you want. Check Out Trucking Forums The best place to meet potential employers is right under your nose. Talk to co-workers and fellow drivers over lunch or during breaks. They usually share their experiences with various companies and companies within the same sector. Other resources include local trucking forums. Many employers advertise their open positions here and recruit directly through this channel. When posting your application, use common etiquette and treat others respectfully and be transparent with details, dates, etc. Check Out Truck Stop Bulletin Boards Another way to make contacts quickly and easily is by checking bulletin boards at truck stops across America. Some big chains now sponsor specific locations. However, don't expect to see any truck driver openings advertised on these spots. Instead, check with the owner to ensure they still accept advertisements. Look At Your State's Trucking Association Many states have trucking associations that offer different services within the trucking industry. For example, The American Trucking Association (ATA) hosts events and seminars to educate truck drivers and other transportation professionals on safety issues and upcoming regulations impacting the industry. Other associations offer similar services and information, including state-based trucking associations. By joining an organization, you get access to job postings and employment opportunities. Look For A New Endorsement for Your License Truck driving is one of those jobs where experience is invaluable. But sometimes, things happen that keep drivers from gaining even more experience behind the wheel. Maybe you started out making road trips only but were forced to stop due to bad weather conditions. Or perhaps you got into a wreck or two before learning how to drive safely. Whatever the case may be, if you feel stuck, you may need to speak to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). They may be able to change the type of endorsements you carry on your license, thus allowing you to gain more hours of driving experience. Look At the Newspaper If you haven't seen it already, newspapers are excellent sources for finding truck driver job advertisements. It doesn't matter whether you're looking for something long term or temporary. If there's a newspaper in your area, the classifieds might give you a few good leads. Plus, many people enjoy reading news stories about trucks every once. It could help you find something fun along the way. Apply to National and Local Companies When it comes time to look for truck driving jobs, we recommend starting by applying to national trucking companies first. These companies tend to have longer applications, so you won't be surprised when you hear back from them after sending in your resume. Once you receive an interview, look for a regional company to apply to next. This will save you from travelling across the country because you want to work for a smaller company closer to home. In conclusion, keep up applying until you find a position that best fits your skill set and interests - whatever that may be. Remember that truck driving isn't always glamorous, but it's rewarding.